


  • 100% cotton batting
  • 100% cotton yarn
  • 1 spool of embroidery floss
  • Scissors
  • Sewing needle
  • Sewing machine (optional)


  1. Cut the batting and yarn:

    • Cut the batting into 12 pieces, each measuring 12 x 12 inches.
    • Cut the yarn into 12 pieces, each measuring 24 inches long.
  2. Assemble the bird nest:

    • Lay out the batting pieces on a flat surface.
    • Starting with the center piece, arrange the batting pieces around the yarn pieces, forming a circle.
    • Secure the batting in place with a few stitches.
  3. Attach the yarn:

    • Thread the embroidery floss through the sewing needle.
    • Tie a knot at the end of the floss.
    • Pass the knot through the center of the batting circle.
    • Tie a knot on the other end of the floss.
  4. Attach the yarn to the bird nest:

    • Push the needle through the center of the batting circle.
    • Pull the floss tight to secure the nest to the batting.
  5. Finishing touches:

    • Trim the excess yarn.
    • Add any desired embellishments, such as beads or feathers.


  • Use a fabric that is fire-resistant and breathable.
  • Wash the bird nest by hand in cold water.
  • Do not iron the bird nest.
  • Hang the bird nest in a safe and dry place.